— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In her youth she worked as a translator for a foreign humanitarian organization that identifies cases of “sexual abuse of minors.”
It did not work for long – it was difficult even to translate the reports of our “field agents” who worked with the affected children. A terrible statistic that the vast majority do not even know.

Alkashi rented the children to friends for a bottle. A grandfather for years raped his granddaughter, threatening to kill his mother. Six-year-olds in the crowd are washing over second-class children right behind the school. A man gives a student money to bring the boy out. A seller in the store for a year forces the girl to come to him regularly, threatening that otherwise he will rape her little sister. The mother puts her daughter under her father’s arm so she doesn’t leave.
Often these are well-off children, the environment does not even suspect what is happening to them, specialists have to work long and hard.
To trust them and tell them.
The children do not believe they will be saved. Children know what you will say: I invented it, I provoked it, it is my fault.

Shame on all of you who say so. I see there are many of you here.


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna