— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I worked on the practice at Volma, we had such a novel.

From somewhere he got a camouflage hydrolase suit and slipped through the shallow waters. The bird photographed.

Once he went to the nest of swamp moons, but in the shallow water he got confused in the net.

It is worth noting that instead of his head he had a white swallow with a camera.

He sits quietly on the bottom, cutting the net with a knife. He hears a rush. It turns.

The man on the boat so quietly crawls to him with a glimpse forward.

Roma, in general, weighs a kilogram by 120. But with a thin, subterranean voice he says:

Don’t take the swallow.

The man looked side by side. I saw nothing.

He begins to swim further.

Roma again with a loud voice:

Don’t dare to touch a swallow. The man crossed. He gave me “Veso”.

The camera and Rome flooded.

From the depths of the lakes rises Roma weighing 120 kg. All in algae and in its camouflage form.

The man jumps out of the boat and runs on the shallow water.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna