— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I think every photographer has had a blind shot in his life, no matter how cool he is.

I also had such a story.

It was at the dawn of digital photography, before that I had been working as a photographer for many years, but in the number I made only the first steps. I bought my first digital camera, and slowly began to move from film to digital.

There was a rather unusual order - to remove the wedding to the sectarians, I do not remember which specific sect, but it does not matter. The sect consisted of all - newlyweds, their parents, guests. Everything went routinely and boring - registration, wedding, a modest feast without alcohol...

Upon returning home, I connected the camera to the computer to take photos, and then my old and poor computer broke up — it slapped and hanged dead.

I restart, connect the camera again - and the flash is empty! In what way, when the computer stumbled, the flash already connected to it through the camera turned out to be formatted! How this happened I still have no idea.

I was in shock and hysterical. It is now I know several programs to recover remote information from carriers, and then I did not have any idea about their existence, I did not even have the internet, lived in a strange city - neither acquaintances nor connections among knowledgeable people. Recovering what was lost at the time was not possible.

As a result, it was decided to give up to the customer, return the money, and offer them a free photo session as a compensation.

appointed a meeting.

The father of one of the newlyweds came to meet.

He told him everything as a confession, gave him money.

I expected anything – screams, curses, promises of God’s punishment, but not that.

Hearing me, the man said, "God gave, God took," took the money, turned and left, without saying a single word.

I never saw them again, they never turned to me during the photo session.

They learn from mistakes.

Since then, in order to avoid the repetition of this, as they say, unprecedented measures were taken - first I replaced the computer, replaced the camera with a new one, only appeared then, with the possibility of backing up when shooting at once on two flash drives. Memory cards were also replaced, with expensive reliable ones with a lifetime guarantee. All photos are stored on two different hard disks. And once these precautions saved me, when the hard drive died, but not a single photo was lost.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna