— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Today I was walking on the street, in the pocket of my jacket lay a thousand (like). He was already approaching the store, the boy runs up and asks, "Did you drop the money?" I have 1000 in my hands. I look in my pockets, I really lost it. Even though it seemed to me for a moment, I put it in my wallet. Oh well okay. I take 1000 from the boy’s hand (which was not worth doing), I express my gratitude and I leave.

Here his parents run to me and say that I have taken a thousand from their boy's hands, which he supposedly asked to exchange. I tell them that nothing like that, that it is my thousand and I lost it, and the boy found it and gave it. They didn’t even want to listen. They said there was a camera. We will see there. There I was a little panicked because a thousand really took out of the boy’s hands, but we were both with smiling faces that had to prove my innocence. Type is honest. But the parents immediately said, give 5000 for moral damage + 1000 that you stole and we will break up. Well actually everything became clear, even the cameras do not want to watch, and especially to call the police, which I insisted on. When we went to the store where there were cameras, I started calling the police, and they were like ripping up trying to pull a thousand out of the pocket. They did not succeed, but they fled. I took a wallet to put a thousand, and there is mine. by LOL. He accidentally divorced.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna