— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A few years ago, almost immediately after I graduated from the universe, I was suddenly taken to a very unprofile area for me: studying abroad. The volume of work and salary me more than satisfied, so I joyfully plowed skies into the office with a view almost to the Kremlin. It turned out that another young man was selected, and the management decided to leave us for a month's trial period, after which to break up with one of us. It was very interesting, the team was warm, we helped in every way and all that. As a result, I was taken on a full bet: 45k for a girl with no experience, in my opinion, was okay.

A business owner appeared on the horizon. He, as he stunned him in the 90s, did not get into it anymore, so that his relative was in charge of everything. And here, whether from the main place of work he was sprinkled, whether a personal crisis of some sort, but it became boring for the man to just cut off the coupons, and he decided to personally participate in the life of our shop and order. The first thing he called me (that is, a new face for him) for an interview. No problem, I have been working for two months and officially arranged. The boss said, “Interview” means an interview.

It turned out that everything was not so scary, he asked me about my education, what I had already learned here, suddenly switched to poor English and seemed to be satisfied with what I heard. But some last stroke seemed to be missing. Here he finally recalled the crown chip of the aychars and issued: "And who do you see yourself in our company in 5 years? “”

I, permeated by the idea that I am not a girl who talks to me, but a reasonable man, a businessman, gave everything as it is, say, so and so, Yuri Yurich, your company is small, all the top positions are occupied by your relatives, it is obvious that you are not going to clean them anywhere, so I will sit here, I will get experience, and you will look there, and I will open my company in the related industry.

Yuu is glowing. He seemed to like the honest answer so much that he promised me all help. The type, he does not give up, will help with connections, and maybe, and investments. And so far I decided to transfer me to the position of head of the customer department. This is how it goes, ah. And since my functionality now included not only the processing of existing orders, but also the sale of new ones, the company becomes 35k + 10% of sales.

Under this case, Juju reorganized (read fired) a good half of managers and began to battle on a regular basis with all kinds of nonsense: then a meeting for half a day for everyone, including a cleaner and an accountant, then a new site we will order in Skolkovo, then repairs in the office need to be urgently done - but this is all another story. Here it is important that by the end of the first month I sold poorly for 350k, respectively, cheerfully rubbed the pins in anticipation of up to 70k on my hands. But it was not there. It turned out, in the head of YuU worked some trigger and he considered that such a sum for yesterday's student too fat and... began to hide.

Three days in a row, he does not appear at the office, does not answer the calls. His relative (a gender who) divorces with her hands, she says, there were no orders about the salary, white, of course, you get it, but all these your arrangements were passed without me. Eventually, YU announced and said that I was broken up, he offered me either 35 or a percentage. And the fact that this is a tenth less than my initial salary, which did not include any sales - well, you. In general, get, girl, your 35 and not chew.

Hendir took me by the elbow to the side, and says: "YUYU has a difficult period, divorce, wife takes away the apartment, enter the position." I refused to enter. I say, either money, or I leave immediately, and you yourself here with your castrated composition scratch all the orders. I scratched my teeth, I was given money, but from that moment all love between us ended.

Then it went even more interesting. It turned out that such offended and insulted - almost the entire office. Well, I say at dinner, “Brothers, how long? Let’s get your own business blurred, with preference, and you understand...” A total of five responded. Two later, they actually fell. But even such a gang of four people we managed to make our small startup, where we tried to take into account all the mistakes of YU. I will be 6 years old in August. So it turned out that the phrase about my own business in five years came out very prophetic, although I was a little wrong in the terms.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna