— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He worked in an open space office. Our director was disturbed by the cleanliness, so the cleaner wiped the floor everywhere every two hours, and wiped out the baskets. It was during this action that she began to comment on everything, we felt extremely uncomfortable about it, and I didn’t expect the garbage bowl to be such an “intimate” place:

You didn’t eat the yogurt, half of it was left.

Ready to blink? You usually cook yourself.

It is an alphabet of taste. Have you decided to kiss yourself today?

- Do you have so many envelopes in the discount store for these candy?

Pizza, what was the party?

The McDonald’s! As he opened it, everyone now takes this shit!

I broke the biscuits and I cleaned them.

No more on the diet, chips again and again!

Or eating an apple, she’s going to shake out the basket, but says, “Let’s eat fast and throw it, I’ll take it!” And shakes a cane in front of his nose.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna