— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When my daughter was 3 years old, I put her package of her favorite candy under her pillow one evening. She found them in the morning and asked, astonished:
This from where?
Without thinking, I whispered in a wakeful tone:
The elves brought.
I liked responding creatively at the time, and standing on my own until the last, adding convincing details to the fiction.

This story lasted for five years.

Who are the Elves?
All children have elves, they fulfill desires, they help, they give gifts.

- Mom, and the other children say, there are no elves.
Every child has an elf. But if a child does not believe in elves, they do not come to him.

How do they look?
Write them a letter and leave it under your pillow. They will tell you themselves.

In the beginning, the elves brought gifts themselves, their small puddles caused a storm of emotions. Then the daughter began to draw elephant pictures to tell what she wanted... then to write, rewriting letters from my mother’s draft, then to write independently in secret from her mother. Sometimes the elves brought the ordered not immediately, sometimes they brought something else, sometimes they wrote letters and told about themselves. And the older the daughter became, the more she liked the letters. When the mother and daughter were arguing, the indignant threw her in response that he would write the elves! ...and asked for them a good mom and 100 sweets. And even if my mom was angry, the elves always responded and reassured.

Once a daughter asked the elves for beautiful animals, just like in a magazine, which comes out once a month, with one toy from a whole collection of consistent marvels. And the elves just had a set of elves at school, and they commissioned small elves to make animals as a test task. The elephants overstated, first, they made the dragon, second, they accidentally revived him. The dragon broke up half the villages, and all the forces were thrown to rebuild the houses first. In the evening, the elephants, quietly whispering, locked themselves in the workshop, because they wanted to make a gift themselves, without the help of adults. Their business went slowly... generally, two months later, the package arrived from China, and this chapter of the fairy tale ended.

In 5 years, a lot of fairy tales were written, elephants and their names were invented, the description of the island and houses, the presence in the village of the main fairy elves, diseases, holidays, school, holidays. The daughter made gifts to the elves: one candy was enough for the whole village, and from small boxes the elves made themselves a whole house for guests, and yet they did not know what sugar is, and called it a sweet stone... The elves could not be shown to people, it is absolutely impossible, as in the tale of the Black Chicken. They would have to find another place of residence. But the elves still asked the main fairy to let them bring the girl to the village and teach her witchcraft.

And then my mom realized that it was time to end the fairy tale so that it would remain a fairy tale forever. The daughter still believed in elves, but was already o-o-o-very big. Do you know what people believe who just want to believe? How do they not notice the obvious little things that contradict their faith? All children will one day learn about Santa Claus, about the tooth fairy, about... and the elves should have remained a fairy tale.

When her daughter was eight years old, the elves brought her three wishes as farewell gifts:
You just have to start doing something and it will succeed.
You will smile enough to make friends with another person.
“When you become an old grandmother, we will take you with us, we will turn you into a little elephant, and you will go to our school.
And they also promised that they would trick mom and dad so that they would be kind and sometimes hid her gifts under the pillow. It should be noted that this last wish was fulfilled immediately, even before the appearance of any gifts from parents. Great power of conviction.

No, the daughter did not immediately accept the fact that the elves left. What do these mean: “You’re already big”, “You’ll soon stop noticing magic”?
What if I write them?

And in the house, there are still a lot of toys that the elves brought. The elves still exist.

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