— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ]
I picked up the over-released cards, sat down to the operator and started. I am I, O is the operator

A - We offer you card insurance for the case of theft and fraudulent redemption, only 108 rubles per month.

I – No, I do not have to.

Otherwise, the police will have to decide.

I am not

(I really wanted to get upset about what the bank is doing then that it can’t guarantee the security of my money, but I decided that I’d better finish faster and go.)

This is a new insurance contribution, do you want to make?

I – No

A - Life insurance from injuries for 138 rubles a month, contribute 2 thousand (such as), they turn into 240 and if you don't bite a crocodile in Africa, then take them, well, and if you chew and don't squeeze you get 480

I - No, nothing interests me, neither credit cards nor insurance, do not offer me anything

And here I get just an epic phrase:

O - Until the advertising block does not listen to the issuance of cards we do not go, but there is still a mobile bank...

The real question is, who knows AdBlock for such cases?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna