— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am here in the dictionary mode, just liked the story with a friendly cake. His best friend tells me about him:

Girls, I apologize wildly. Anyone who wants can close their ears. Or even go to the garden. I am going to express the inexpressible. The words will be different. Have they all gone out? Then we went! One day, he and I got drunk to the sunsets of the wicked. Just by inexperience. The occasion was painfully already worthy - Volodya handed over the last gentleman! (The translation is the last. The MSU exams. We have shrunk from the soul. Sitting well. I’m afraid of myself, and I’m afraid of the thought – tomorrow is my own exam!

I remember nothing further. I woke up in the morning by the alarm. Looking around, I’m at least in my apartment. I am Uewoo! I am very happy! wow! And time shakes. I suffer painfully, walk around the house, dress up. Dress, tie, clothes and everything else. It seems to have time. But what matter? Bishop, she is breaking up! How do I take the exam with such a shoe? It is empty! Fuck, five years of teaching in the best university of the country! And in this shoulder at the most decisive hour, there is only pain! A terrible pain! And nothing more. Fuck that vodka!

Here is a bell at the door. Who did he bring to hell? I am late! On the way, I attach my pants, jump to the door, furiously open. And on the threshold, this beautiful man is Vova. With a hand in hand. There are two glasses for champagne. There is a cabbage salt on top. Like a cherry blade on a cake, in each floats a cucumbers. Next to him are two small, ugly men. and a package. one one.

I am Owl. He looked at my face and walked benevolently, alone, because I no longer needed it. And you swallow yours all the way. Eating is done, Barry.

And you know, guys... I didn’t even understand how to express my feelings... (here he started to get a little bit overwhelmed, cut off by internal censorship) It was, crazy, as if friendly aliens broke into our miserable planet Earth and gave all the stars to the enemy. Greetings, everyone is happy. At the time, I was unable to think in such categories. I passed this:

Fuck you WOW! You are a-hu-enny! You would know how bad I am!
by Vova Hmuro:
to me too. I didn’t even have time to crawl. I rushed, afraid of not having time. Well we go!

They hit.

And you know, it was my best exam. I usually worried terribly. I could not sleep at midnight. Even sleeping pills did not work. He was tormented at the exam, scared and confused about the simplest. And here I was hit! The absolute memory within me may have awakened. Direct connection to the astral. Whatever my professor asks me, I do not only know the answer, but I remember for a moment when he explained it - where the mole fell, where the mole fell again.

I was thrilled – I became a super-being. But, as an intelligent and virtuous super-being, he held back his aphlomb. I tried to respond humbly and politely.

When he finished, there was just a silence.
My teacher finally took the word. He said thoughtfully:
You know, I always felt like this student was listening to my lectures halfway. There are times when you are glad you are wrong. Over the years, I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that the main thing about our university is not toothed knowledge, although they are necessary. And not even critical thinking skills, although they are also necessary. The main thing is that we are from God knowing what we create a Personality capable of doing miracles. This is the most important thing in our work. Sit down Vladimir Ivanovich. Dear members of the committee, I have no more words. I would like to thank this student with applause.

The good forces left me. Astral completed his mission and turned off. I walked on cotton feet to my place, and my head was empty again. There was only one thought knocking - by the name-father's name I was named for the first time in my life. I restrained, but the tears in my eyes just sprinkled. I went out immediately, not rattling me in the room. Following me, there were fluid applause from the commission.

It was one of the best moments of my life. But no one will make me get to that state anymore. There seems to be a lot of strange things hidden in Astral. But well, his naphygmatism, with such bodies.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna