— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Three years ago I had to find a job. At the current location (a small factory in Yekaterinburg) wages were delayed for two weeks, production volumes dropped, no prospects were seen at all. Everything was so bad that the director in an open text advised everyone to look for a new place of employment, not to adorn the situation and promise a quick way out of the crisis.

After publishing my resume wherever possible, I began to wait patiently for responses. And here some time later there is a call from Rostelecom (I am, Rostelecom):

Dramatic gemelyuk!

I am drunk!

- (rt) And you are concerned about the recruitment service of Rostelecom, found on the Internet your resume. Are you still looking for work?

And of course!

In this case, we ask you to go to the interview at this address. The head of the department that needs a specialist has already read your resume and would like to talk to you personally.

No question, I am running!

After such a call, I was upset — even if, because my resume was read not just by some girl-eichar there (sorry me, girls-eichar), but already by my,, future manager! So are interested! I need someone! I will soon be eating normally again.

After flying through all the spring lawns and canyons with dirt through half the city through traffic jams, I entered the RT office, where my arrival was already notified by the pass service and a representative of the personnel department, with whom we went to the office of the head of the department.

To be honest, until then I was never met anywhere: I already mentioned the waiting staff, then I was offered tea and coffee, after which the manager (an intelligent look of an uncle aged 50-55) asked me for permission to smoke in my own office, offering me a cigarette (!) I don’t smoke, but I was pleasantly surprised.

We sat comfortably each in his chair, I prepared to listen to questions, but here the manager begins (and, in fact, ends) this evening:

- gemelyuk, thank you for your attention to our organization as a whole and to the vacancy in particular. We regret to inform you that you are not suited to us.

For the first time in my life, I understood the expression “eye-chop”. Because I couldn’t do anything else at that moment. No, I was previously denied employment, driven with suckles out of the offices, promised to call back and did not call back... I am quite philosophical about all this, well no - so no, luck next time. However, for the first time in my life, I was denied employment without a single interview question.

Obviously, when I realized that since I was not dressing up and not leaving, something wasn’t clear to me, the boss uncle wondered, what was it about?

- (rt) gemelyuk, can I find out the reason for your confusion?

- (I) Eye khm, well, you didn't even ask me about anything, maybe I can tell you something about myself and my skills?

- (rt) No, not worth it, I carefully read your resume, it is very and very meaningful, you really have good knowledge, but specifically our department implies a slightly different specificity of work, in which I will not be able to fit you.

Why did you invite me to an interview? Why was it necessary to call me in principle, if you could simply ignore my resume, since I don’t fit you? I’t know your interest, I’t go here, and you’t waste time in empty conversation with me.

“You know, young man, I believe that it is always necessary to express your opinion to a person by looking him in the eyes. You need to have the courage to personally report the negative decision you have made with respect to another person. So I asked you to come, so that you could hear the verdict from me, not from anyone else.

(I) Walk to the left, but if you didn’t call me, I’t even know that there was a verdict in my case!

(RT) That is exactly what it is! Now you know.


So far, scrolling through this situation in my head and telling it to my friends as a joke, I can’t understand what it was? The real position of man, which implies such nobility? Desire to wash? Or just a particular character? :) No one will know it anymore! :D

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