— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The challenge. She fell out of the window, her body lay on the asphalt. We arrive: there is no body, but there is a bloody path to the entrance. We enter the entrance, we climb to the fifth floor on a bloody track and see the door, all in the bloody traces of the palms. Then we hear the screams behind the door, the noise, we try to get into the apartment – they do not open. They called the police and explained the situation. We came, started breaking and we see this picture: a girl and a guy standing with a broken wound on their shoulders. He said, “We have a family dispute. Do not interfere! Then they explained that they fought, the girl struck the guy with a knife, he lost consciousness, and she thought she had killed him. Then she fell from the fifth floor, but only got scratches. The guy at this time woke up, saw that she lay on the asphalt, thought she was dead, and ran to her, leaving a bloody mark behind.

Romeo and Juliet are still alive.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna