— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The summer. The heat. Mother (M), I and my younger sister (C) 5 years back from the beach a short way - that is, climb right on the slope of the mountain, along a rocky stone trail. It’s easy and fun down there.

M is all! I can’t wash that bag anymore.

I take the bag, I take the bag. Really unrealistically heavy. We joked all the way that there was a valley in it.

We get to the “base”, I break out the bag, and there... really a stone! Unclean as such. Wrapped in the towel.

I am : Sister! Did you put a stone here? ! to

A: It was the wind! I put stuff on...

I: Why did I wrap him? ! to

Well, tomorrow there will be wind too! This is our stone!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna