— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And I grew up in the village, and instead of a hammer we had a cat. He was a natural maniac because he was not interested in killing animals. He brought them home still alive, scattered them in parts with wild sounds, scattered the inside of mice, rats, birds and goats on the carpet. And I had a cousin who had hamsters. Well, the cat noticed this furry animal as soon as the cage was brought into the house. The next morning, my sister’s cry awoke the house. As it goes, the cat executed a hamster, somehow unimaginably opening the door, ripped off the hamster's head, and released the intestines through the grid. The hammer hanged on the cage. The next year, my sister brought a pork. The pork was larger in size, but the experienced rat-hunting and maniac did not prevent it from killing the beast, although he could no longer break or release the intestines. The next year, the sister brought the turtle, saying that even her dad was attacking it and nothing. It took the cat two days to scratch the little turtle's head, tear it off and throw it next to the corpse. The next year, the sister brought no one, then her parents forbade her to bring animals to us, who were so fiercely killed by the cat. However, the cat did not worry, and on the day of their arrival caught a pigeon, which he also killed.

Yyy: Then the girl disappeared and no one saw her again.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna