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About the application of the "cheap but angry" principle in the treatment of white fever.

A simple, even somewhat naive question was asked in one of the discussions on the site - and what if alcohol is administered intravenously?
And, O magic of human memory! - bread of memories and associations are spread.
We will talk about very ancient times, when the dinosaurs were young and made the first steps in anesthesiology or astrophysics, before the smiling pig was still a long 10 years, on the television showed two channels in Russian and one in Latvian, and I was put on the line to the apartment and "Moskovich" upon arrival at the place of distribution, CRB.
So began my professional life.
It started with confusion.
A young man with a fracture, health not offended, on the table, injection anesthesia, a short-acting barbiturate, not the hexenal, not the pentothal, I will not remember.
I throw the weight of the man and double the dose, slowly insert a full syringe.
My patients were half asleep.
My patient continued to look at me with wide open eyes of heavenly color. And there was not a cloud in the sky, not in one eye, except that he whispered in response to a medication, more powerful than which only the blow of a squall.
I panic, it doesn’t happen, I haven’t been taught that!! to
An experienced sister, Tonia, looks at this range of emotions and comes to my aid:
- Mendeleevich, this is not Riga for you, our doses need to be adjusted and injected more sharply, with two hands!
And with fluoride, with nitrogen oxide!
I follow her advice - crude, but it worked out, we hardly take off and switch to autopilot.
I go out to refresh myself — from the mirror looks my roasted sweat rod with wild eyes, I tell her — these are the things, Mendeleevich, we got, here you are not there, you have to learn the local customs...
I learned, and what to do: I shoot the syringes in a cowboy-like way, with two hands, and, overwhelming my whole body, pressing a mask full of stinking fluoride. It turns out, Tony smiles approvingly, all the way.
You will ask – and why are they so persistent, the Spartans, these Latgals?
The answer is simple - the liver is trained, drink.
Every day, for decades, a lot.
For a moment, the attentive reader will shout, and what they can drink, a restructuring with Gorbachev’s dry law in the court!! to
Oh my dear! They chase the barrel, the barrels, the woods on the lakes, clean as tears, spill on three-liter banks from under berry juice and drink. The most massive civil disobedience I have seen in my life...
And they themselves drink and doctors spit, I used to wear too - I spread through Tony the rumor that Mendeleev was sober and ulcerative, and thus saved... even in the house of the first secretary of the district commission, in the apartment on the floor below the first secretary and on the floor above the apartment of the chief of the ROVD.

It’s probably time to move to the second part of the Marleson Ballet – White Heat.
And it was just an epidemic, especially in traumatology.
Jokes, by the way, small: healthy bugs in psychosis, breaking stretches and apparatus of Ilizarov, shifting slightly healed bones, frightening staff with their runs through the department and hospital yard in which the mother gave birth.
This will come to the department, 3-5 days lie down and starts:
frequent pulse, high blood pressure, hot sweat, wild eyes aimed at the ceiling, where he is shown an extended nightmare session in non-stop mode.
Seduxen and relanium helped in part, but the drugs were barely enough for 1-2 cases of "white-white, savsam garcia!" and they were often 5-6, a contagious thing, one will start - others will catch up!! to
Not for surgery, but for belly.
I have to do something.
And we invented.
For a liter of the dropper, we, sorrow and crying, from the soul, we can say, breaking, added 20-30 cubes of medical alcohol.
You will put such a dropper, prophylactically, to a very roaring patient, the main thing - not later than 2-3 days from the moment of reception and - beauty, no whitening, lies, smiles, cheeks pink, the look clear.
He lies and reads the district newspaper in four pages and talks with his neighbors in the chamber, reasonably and, most importantly, reasonably. I personally prepared the mixture, not trusting anyone - the times were harsh, for a liter of alcohol it was possible to stock up just like wood!!! Dumb and fun time, I will report to you, the dry law in our area of general alcoholism to survive was not easy...
And again I hear the same attentive and stubborn reader:
“Let me, two small tablespoons – like an elephant’s bite, for a mother’s drink!” Author, do you have a baron title and experience of flight on the nucleus?!? to
“Netu, the descendant of the townsman of the Liechtenstein province, Cantonist Friedman, with the right to reside outside the boundary of settlement, I was, therefore, a different person.
And to lie we are not trained, let me try to explain this phenomenon.
You see, when we drink alcohol, a powerful line of defense like Machino or Mannerheim stands in the way of its entry into the brain - our liver, where years of trained enzymes take a bucket in circulation and relentlessly tremble.
And also the stomach helps, putting boundaries on the approaches to absorption - the old guard of roasted acid cabbage with smoked pork is worth the death.
What do we do?
Right, we circumnavigate the Machino line through the Ardennes and with a quiet shoe we throw the landing of clean and fresh bushle straight into the center of Paris, the thief, the beat of the brain...
The thirsty buffalo brain with a typical French boldness and readiness surrender to the mercy of the winner, Voal and Vivat!! to

So, simply and with taste, and most importantly, cheaply and angrily, we managed to curb the invasion of whites.

Absolutely unnecessary aftermath about the problems of prevention of white fever already in these days and in a different country.
In blessed California, is there a problem with alcoholism?? to
There is. And considerable.
Someone drinks a liter of vodka a day, boiling a little from morning to evening, mixing with juices and cola, someone blows out a Bourbon pintu for a day.
Alcoholics with a California spendron – a couple of bottles of wine.
From day to day, years.
And we, doctors, are very alarmed when such a patient enters - withdrawal syndrome knows no borders and does not take a vacation.
There are medicines that are used with moderate success.
About intravenous alcohol, in addition to me, heard a couple of doctors whose average age is approaching 90 years old.
We have in the hospital pharmacy and a bottle of cheap brandy and even cheaper whisky, but to write them out to the patient is a headache.
The exit?
He always exists.
In a confident conversation with the members of the family, well aware of the true friendship of Bachus and their relative, I, quietly and blinking, suggest that it would be good to drink something with a degree, a little and slowly, for dinner.
Time to summarize:
Better not to drink.
If you drink, a little.
If you drink regularly and a lot - it is honest to tell the medical staff.
We will come up with something...
Cheers and cheers, be healthy and happy! by Michael Ashnin

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna