— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The teacher was fired because she was photographed in a swimsuit.

Not for passes, not for professional inadequacy, not for the flagrant violation of safety rules, which entailed irreparable and even not for drunkenness at work. No is.
Photo in the swimsuit.
I don’t know if it is specially stipulated to wear swimsuits and subsequent photography in those in pedagogical universities, whether there are any special prescriptions for teachers in this regard, whether there are professional, teaching models of swimsuits, photo cards in which they are not a crack, whether there is a state commission regulating the length of teaching shirts and the depth of teaching decoltes. I do not have such information.
But I know that many teachers have children. For the majority! Do you understand? No is? Think of it! Children – what are they for? Not from EIS. No No No No! And not in the cabbage they are discovered with a confused look, no matter how you want it! Children, unfortunately and ah - always from sex. Do you understand?
Sex is what? This is a form of shame! Write in writing! The stones! The screams! the sweat! The sperm! Oleg, take my hair! Tanya, I am happy, I am happy, I am happy!! Do you understand?
And then are they teaching the children with these same hands? Do you understand logic?
What an immorality! No swimsuit has stood next to such a devil! They have sex, but they do not have swimsuits at all! It is insane!
And the toilet! They go there and naturally crawl! As long as I am not ashamed! The proud name of the teacher is worn, and themselves at the same time - cacao from the poop. I apologize in the most trivial way. The shit! They are born! Not pearls, not glitters, not even butterflies! And the teachers! And they have sex, and they crack, and when they hit the foot of the table at home with a little bit - they say, "Hah fuck!" They really say!
We should build with them! No to sex! No swimsuits though. No other excesses!
Go out, get out! You are photographing, you know. The shameless ones! This is not Soviet, comrades! It is not for that we went to Kolchak in the Sabbath attack, so that you here later, in the bright future, sex and swimsuits were produced! It was not for this reason that Lazio burned in the ball! Oh you! The shame!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna