— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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has long been. At that time, the internet was not unlimited and young people loved to gather on the bench at the entrance. At the time of the neighbors, I knew everyone - our house from the former institute, and the former employees still lived in it. But there were also a couple of young families who recently moved. I did not know them. It was a time when there were no deaf iron doors, and the entrance was opened with a primitive key - a screwdriver.

A strange guy walked into our entrance. The next day at 9 p.m. he came and opened the entrance door. Twenty minutes later he came back. One day I went in for him to listen to what floor he was going up. Judging by the steps, it was the last, 5th floor. The door did not knock, the keys did not ring.

My friends and I decided one day to follow him. In order not to hear him, we even had to take off our shoes. As always at 9 p.m., the guy opens the entrance door with his key and goes through. Within a few minutes, we carefully steal after him. They climbed to the 5th floor, and he is sitting on the corks and putting his ear in the lock well and listening.

So what are you doing here? “I’ll call you,” said my friend Andrei.

The guys! Sorry, I am not a thief and not a fraudster, my wife left me with her daughter to another, they moved here... they forbid communicating with the child... and I come after work... just listen to how my daughter says... she’s just bathing her at this time... she already knows the words...

Even when I was 20 years old, my tears turned from this story.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna