— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am so old that I remember the past century.
For example, I remember the times when butter was useful. He was placed in a hot meal, swallowed on bread, swallowed blades. The oil was very useful, especially for children.
I still remember when the yeast was useful. Especially for teenagers. When our next growing boy started the season of acne at home, my mom started almost every morning for breakfast to make peelings on yeast. The puffy, sour, tasty pineapples were terribly useful because they contained yeast.
Meat was useful – any. Pork, beef, wild - it was useful for everyone, especially children and those who have physical activity. The brain bones were useful. And the chestnuts.
The chicken was useful. The chest, of course, but the legs-wings-cut - everything in the chicken was useful, except the intestines, gallbladder and feathers.
The fish was useful. Especially the fat. Especially the children. Children benefited from fatty fish, but for adults any fish was beneficial.
Egg yellow was useful. Especially the children too. And the elderly.
Milk products were useful - all without exception. Children, pregnant and sick – especially, but in general – everyone. Any fat was useful. In milk were calcium, protein, vitamins. Lactose was and was also useful. Cream was useful – especially rural, of course, but the store was also beneficial. Especially in the border.
Borst was useful. First the soup. A hot soup once a day was extremely beneficial for any body. Secondly, in the border meat, and it was still useful at the time. The third is vegetables.
Vegetables are all useful. Cabbage was useful. Especially those who have acne and constipation, but in general for blood it was useful for everyone. Carrots help to grow and see well. Cabbage is famous for vitamins. Grapefruit was useful. Tomatoes are very useful. very very.
Cheesecakes were useful. Every grain was useful. Especially the children. Men too, with meat. Meat was good for everyone.
Apples are useful. Especially the children.
The oranges were useful. Especially sick.
Bread was useful. Especially to everyone.
Honey was useful. Especially in winter.
Cacao was very useful, especially for children.
Tea with milk was useful. Without milk too.
Only coffee is harmful if it is drunk a lot. And if not very much, then also nothing.
Nowadays, of course, many products have ruined their character. They are all so bad, shit! Only we are the inhabitants of the last century and remember how cute and helpful they were once.
by Lyudmila Ovchinnikova

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna