— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I stand in the line for coffee, waiting for my big cappuccino, and a woman speaking on the phone followed me in the line. Judging by the conversation, and the topics she discussed (employees, their vacancies in the company, etc.).I realized that she was the HR of one of the network shops.

And here she says:

- There is a guy working with us in the department - Sascha, so we want him to be fired.

At the end of the cable, she was asked:

How, why and why? Idiot or job foolish?

Her response was hard and uncompromising:

He is a strange one! He doesn't communicate very much, he doesn't drink coffee with us, he doesn't walk in corporations, and in general...

Well, I thought, and went to think, behind a cup of coffee, how hard an introvert is in the modern world.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna