— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the late 1980s, my mom’s friends got a long-awaited apartment. One night, a new house was built. There was a lot of people, they sat down until late, there was a lot of drink, but, as usual, it was not enough. Therefore, the owner of the house was sent to Uncle Cole for a supplement to one of his colleagues, because the shops were no longer working, and the soul demands the continuation of the banquet.

Time passes and the owner is not at home. Finally, there is a bell at the door. A man and a girl stand on the doorstep:

- Tell me, but this man (describe the appearance) does not live here?

and here. And what happened?

He is sitting in a neighbor’s house and crying.

They ran down, found Uncle Cole, asked what was going on with him, where he was hurt, what was going on.

He came back and could not find the house. 8 identical panel five-storey, late, in the street of no one, the number of the house out of his head fled, how to find his - does not know. From despair he sat on the bench and cried. And here was the couple going: the guy accompanied the girl.

“We wanted to go by, we thought, another drunk, but he was crying so bitterly that we came to find out what happened to him. I found out he was lost. On the suggestive questions remembered the floor and that the apartment is right, we approached and went to look for it. Your house was the fifth.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna