— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was a long time ago, 15 years ago. Two of my friends, let them be called Vitya and Petya, went home after school, at that time they were already finishing 9th grade. Not coming home, they met a small neighbor with his classmate. Let’s call them Gene and Ola, they were 11-12 years old.

Passing by Vitya and Petya said hello to the little ones, Olya in response greeted, but here Genah remained silent. Well, and Vitya says to him - Hear p*zduk small hule you do not say hello? To which Gennady silently turned and pointed to the middle finger in response, Vitya, without thinking for a long time, ran away and gave the little one such a good snake. And then it began, the little one was so upset as if Vitya had a knife on his side, Geny's mother ran out, began to run out - the child is beaten! Gene began to hysterically scream even louder. Escaped Batya Gena and wrote Vite a double, Vitiya fell on his ass from the strikes, and then stood up and went home with Petey to the houses.

The conflict seemed to be exhausted, but Gennady’s parents did not stop. They called the police and went home to Vita, knocked on the roof Vita opened, and Geny's father wrote another double Vita, with the words - call the batya we will be dealing. Vitya did not call his father, but quietly took his dog and went out through the back door of the courtyard and walked with her.

The garbage bottle came, the parents of Viti came out.

So much crackdown began, Geny's father kicked on the battu Viti, called it a crackdown and shouted that he raised a fool who beats children...(Vitin papa - Vasily Andreevich a very respected man, worked at the time as a therapist, in his student years took the KMS on boxing, all this silently listened to. Shortly speaking, the militia there made a protocol and left.

Vitya came home as everything was quiet, his father spoke to him and asked what and how, Vitya repented and said yes - guilty, wrote a strong slander to the little one. His father bothered him all this, well, and punished him - you won't walk for a week.

In the morning Vitya stands up to gather to school and on the face illuminated bleaches from the received twins, which Vitya did not tell the father, his father saw it asked again and went to visit Father Gennady.

After their conversation, Geny's father walked for a long time with the eyes swimming from the bleaches, surprisingly, no one called the police.

Genka is actually a good guy, he didn’t start to roar because of the snorkel, he started to roar because he stole a pile of metal coins from his mommy to serve Olya with ice cream, and so that the mommy didn’t burn he threw a handful of coins in his mouth. That’s why he didn’t say goodbye and it was after Vitin’s counterpart Genka swallowed this handful of coins. He was then taken to the hospital and he was still joking rubles for a long time.

After this story, Genka got a hole - a copper.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna