— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On the already disappearing wave of memories of children that cannot be forgotten. As I said before, I’ve been working with children for a long time and the most “beautiful” guys have ever met in the camps. On the one hand, you understand that you only have 3 weeks to communicate with them, not years like in school, on the other hand, teachers are not with children 24 on 7. So here. closer to the essence. The camp. The senior squad. The girl Lena. The first impression is an ordinary girl, beautiful, always asking what to help, with everyone friendly. Exactly 1 day. Then millions of calls from her mother begin:

- That the child did not get fruit in the dining room - gave herself to some of the guys, my mother said that she was not enough, and the leaders did not start to understand.

The evil leaders pressed into the sandal forced them to repair the bed - although the adults always repair themselves.

- during the trip to the excursion, they were not allowed to buy a shaurma - children are not allowed to buy it, because it is unclear what it is from

A million other predictions. Every time I spoke to my mother and told her as polite and detailedly as possible why it was so and why it could not be otherwise. Mom usually did not listen very much and after a couple of minutes went to the ultrasound, blaming me that since I don’t have my children, I can’t understand her and take care of the baby normally. Who, by the way, always smiled in her eyes, and then told her mother all the stuff. The only time I didn’t answer my mom correctly was after this conversation.

M- me Lena has downloaded the link to your profile in VK, I need you to edit

I am? ? to ? to

M - you have 174 photos, where you are in the cafe Sit, on the table of glasses with wine, this will be seen by children! Remove it immediately. And 392 photos, there is a cut in the shirt too deep.

Honestly, I couldn’t stop laughing. She has not yet reached the photo in the swimsuit.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna