— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work for one operator. Not so long ago, just half a year. And as soon as I got arranged, I was told about several subscribers who became a local legend. I recently had the privilege of communicating with one of them.

I will call him Vitaly. He called the CC several times a day, but no one wanted to communicate with him. The fact is that Vitaly has a speech defect and Turret syndrome (neurological wound, a person involuntarily matures). According to the rules, if the subscriber matures, the specialist asks not to use non-normative vocabulary 2 times, the third time recommends to calm down and call again.

The first time I communicated with him 3 months ago, when I was still a trainee, he immediately warned me that his mat flew involuntarily, apologized in advance. He was unable to name his ancestry, but named the code word correctly (the operator can provide all the information about the number if you call the true FIO, or the code word). The first consultation lasted about 15 minutes, many of the words he said I simply couldn’t understand and constantly asked. He thanked me for a long time and we said goodbye.

The other specialists looked at me with astonishment, asked why I communicated with him, he mates, can't call FIO. When I told them that he had a code word at all, everyone was very surprised.

The next day I was called to the quality service department. Asked about this subscriber, and said that he left me thank you and asked at the next call to connect him immediately with me.

Now Vitaly began to call less often, approximately once a week. The guide wrote us detailed instructions about subscribers similar to Vitaly. The "one consultation - 3 minutes" rule no longer applies to such subscribers.

If he calls, he immediately asks me to translate, if I am busy, he waits. As Vitaly explains this, "you are the only one who started communicating with me, and now I want to communicate only with you."

It is strange that the government has previously been involved in such cases. Strange that the other guys who work could not get into a position and just listen to the person. No one is insured from such cases, and anything can happen, treat it with understanding.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna