— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I call a friend, and then this dialogue:

- Hi, we are here with friends going to the country, join (with your wife) with us. There is a lake nearby, we will swim, sunbath, have fun, of course, a shale, and we also take... (a list of tastes and a bullish component).

- I would be happy, but I am now under... (one of the resort towns of Krasnodar region).

You guys, I am jealous. Probably you are in the sea.

"I'm not in this city, but underneath it, and 50 km from here to the sea, especially not to ride.

Even if you enjoy the sun and fruits, it’s also great.

It’s like flying out of a cage, you don’t walk here. We are guests with relatives, so we sit and talk.

It’s nice to finally see my mother, I haven’t seen her for a long time, I’m glad to see her.

My wife’s wife lives here. I haven’t seen my aunt for a long time.

In general, judging by his voice, encouraging me is not very good.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna