— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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As a child, my classmate Ruslan borrowed from me a Sega disc with the game Zero Tolerance. By the way, no one called our cartridges from gaming consoles cartridges, only disquets, and the disquets themselves - flops. So, the discet he did not give, saying that during the repair of the apartment he was poured with lime and he threw it out and in exchange gave me "Jungle strike" - the game undoubtedly deserves attention. But the problem is that Zero was played by my father and he wanted him back and he didn’t want to play in helicopters. I did not know what to do. But then I went on a visit to my classmate Egor and he and I went out into the yard, where we played chips with neighboring boys. I was in the height and played at one guy almost a whole tubus of Mortal Kombat chips. He had no chips left, and he begged to play with him for something else. Then I asked if he had any Segov games, including Zero Tolerance. I won the disc, but I regretted the guy and gave him his part of the chips. I asked for the sake of interest where he bought this game, he replied that my classmate Ruslan lost a discette to him in chips.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna