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The origin of one profanation.

Communicating with readers of my unforgettable fairy tales is a great pleasure. At the same time, the opportunity to look at history from a different angle, through the prism of a fresh outward look.
It is especially useful to communicate with attentive and demanding readers.
For example, one of my most respected commentators called wearing office clothes outside the hospital “profanation.”
Day two thought — I have to admit her right, so it is.
Not to let it get in the eye - a jacket in my climate is needed almost always, especially in the morning.
And it is not that I am alone in this transgression - this habit is quite common among my colleagues in our small hospital: surgeons, orthopedists, obstetricians, anesthesiologists.

I thought about the origins of this my rooted habit of wearing an operating uniform, scrubs, on duty and the day after it, which is generally reduced to half my life.
And I found the reason, the zero point of reference of my professional career.
While I was working in a large university center – I’t think of it, the duty was inside the hospital, after completing the shift we went home, without the slightest chance to return before the next day. Wear clothes before and after work.
My transition to work in a small town and a small hospital changed the type of duty — they were on duty at home, hanging with pagers and mobile phones.
Injury and childbirth—mostly, sometimes resuscitation or rest—help in airway control, in short—something urgent.
And then on one of the nursing nights, listening to my cell phone, I walked around the house.
The house was old and required care, what I did - I can't remember for years. I remember it was dusty and hot.
The call. Reception rest, the sounds of screams and panic, the reception doctor - an anesthesiologist and otolaryngologist, urgently, prepare a tracheotomy!
The necessary explanation: the receptionist is a universal with serious training and skills, able to hold positions before the arrival of heavy cavalry of specialists, if he panics - the situation is really difficult, they are about to lose the patient because of the inability to control the delivery of oxygen to the body.
Adrenaline broke out - as it burned, and I ripped the car from the spot to the gallop - I overcame the road to the hospital twice as fast as usual, flew into the receiver and started to work.
The man survived, the top decided - not the time for him, sent a squad of medical angels to move our hands and brains in the direction of success.
I can't remember the details, but here's what I remember well - a feeling of embarrassment, even shame...
Why is?
Judge yourself: having successfully completed the resuscitation measures, I stood in front of a large family of a patient man at 20 and approximately the same number of employees - in a dirty t-shirt with disgusting spots of all colors, in home shorts of not the first youth and not the shorts of an uncertain color, under which our eternal oceanic breeze was quite fresh.
Poor relatives were confused - not a doctor, but a misunderstanding, a shameful man, not a doctor!
It is possible that this episode was the beginning of my many years of profanation.
And maybe the fact that I’m just shaking my head, myself and you, hiding my laziness – the main cause of everything happening or not happening in my life... who knows what kind of cockroaches live in that gray head! @Michael Ashnin

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