— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The co-curator on the shoulder of one of my friends was a Georgian, having one peculiarity - he did not have two phalanges of the index finger on his left hand. A peculiar sense of humor has turned this physical defect into a source of constant jokes. When he pretended to have his finger cut into his ear or nose, those who saw it for the first time did not know about his physical condition.

In the defect, there was a feeling that the finger was immersed deep into the brain, which in women teachers caused at least hysteria, but there were also fainting.

In the process of training, various relatives from Georgia came to him, father, uncle, brothers, etc., and my friend was surprised to find that this defect is of a family nature - all men did not have two phalanges of the index finger on the left hand, and only one uncle - on the right.

Attempts to understand this strange phenomenon led only to one conclusion (as the little one in the Yakuza) - it is a kind of mafia, and the one who has a distinctive sign on his right hand - the leader.

Attempts to ask questions met with distractive answers, different and not explaining the phenomenon. Georgia is dark.

During the arrival of another relative, during the feast, my friend, after a moment, asked the question that tormented him to an inexperienced relative. He replied, "Eye, you panime with the daraga, we cut the chicken so, caught the head with a knife, and sometimes you forget to bend your finger. My uncle is left.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna