— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My friend and I worked on HTML websites. Simple business cards for hairdressers, shops, etc. I took a penny for keeping my pants.

Then a business lady came out and called us for a meeting. We met in the dining room of a dull business center, where food is not cooked, but heated. The business center was so terrible that we drove 15 minutes from Tushinskaya. On the bus, and then another 20 minutes walk, through some field in the fierce frost.

They came to the meeting, the first 20 minutes the girl used terms such as “target audience”, “coaching”, “digital revolutionary” and so on. He looked at us like a fool, as a director.

Then she laid before us a few sheets of drawings (a pencil from the hand) and told the essence of the project, so within a month we had to create her a mixture of VKontakte (which just appeared) - youtube and yandex - a global site combining all the other sites, so that each person and business had their own page. The world conspiracy.

We, of course, stumbled on, but we explained intelligently that it was incredibly difficult, long and most importantly expensive. The answer to this question is “%Ui, we work.”

We looked around and asked how the lady was going to pay for development, servers, etc.

What I got the answer:

Are you stupid? You know how much money we get from advertising. That is billions of dollars! I offer you 20% of the profit for development!

And then my friend said, we will definitely take on the project! Only without you! We don’t need you, thank you for the idea.

You would see her face. The number of misses that night exceeded all available limits.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna