— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Those who do not know (know)
From 21.03 MTS will round up traffic to 100kb except on-line tariffs and baskets, those who read BASH from a mobile phone or sit in the ash, will now pay more.
What is the characteristic of this 100 KB? The round? First of all, the price of mobile internet is fantasticly high when using it from smartphones. These smart devices carefully break the connection after each command is worked out. I looked at the title of the letter - one session, uploaded the entire text of the letter - the second, sent the answer - the third. and so on. Reading newsletters and viewing emails will easily result in 20-30 tiny sessions, each of which will now be rounded up to 100 Kb. It is separately priced.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna