— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Every winter at my grandmother in the village, I was assigned to clean the snow from the garage and stacks.

It was always boring and dark. But one winter (I was 15 years old) I threw such a huge bunch of snow out of the garage. He was adjacent to our house, so at that time I pulled and dropped the overdose of snow from all the areas I reached.

Well, since there is such a bunch, why not ignore the presence of a staircase, and not go down the bunch?

That is how I signed. in valleys of two sizes larger and two tubes on the body.

I went into the snow smoothly and smoothly. It remains to sit there. Trapped intentionally.

As she did not battle, did not stretch, did not get free from the snow captivity.

But this story was not destined to end with a freeze in the style of Jack Nicholson in the Shining.

I felt awkward to see where my grandmother came from.

Laughing, she threw me a pen from the butt that I grabbed. And pulled me until most of the body was freed from the snow. Then I could go on😂

I will no longer jump in the hills.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna