— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In my youth I inherited an apartment from my grandmother in Khrushchev. A private home appeared and was incredibly pleased. I studied in those years at the institute and, like any student, I brought girls to myself from time to time. However, there was one well-known problem - sound insulation, or rather it was not from the word at all. The decision came at one moment. I replaced the old and rusted jigolo with a relatively new magnetophone. My close acquaintance was often on business trips to America, so I always had new cassettes with the latest hits like Queen and the like. Well, to silence the sounds of pure and unspoiled love, I included these records. And once brought to himself another love of his life, and went to the bath himself to bring himself in order. The door was next to the entrance door, so I could hear what was said on the staircase cage. And here I stand in the bathroom and hear the voice of the neighbors on the site: "Oh, DikovinnijZver brought the girl, tell your wife to put the dishes quieter soap, now we will listen to the last hits" That day they listened to Ice Ice Baby)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna