— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I studied at the 1st course of the Institute, and I had a computer and a printer at home. There was no money. I decided to do a set of text on order. Then the service was not to be directly popular, but in demand. I printed less quickly.

I gave an announcement to the newspaper - a set of text, 4 rubles per page, on the bottom line of the rest of the sentences. I didn’t have a cell phone at the time, I had a pager and a city phone.

The first client, we called, we met. Student from the Construction Institute. I need to print a course. About 50 to 60 pages. It has a source printed, but where the numbers are, everywhere is corrected with a pen or pencil, what it should be. Okay, agreed, I printed it all in 3 days (then the first time I encountered the concept of deadline - as usual most of the last evening left, which gradually flowed into the night and morning)

In general, he calculated, everything was okay, and a day later his friend called, with a similar request. The same exchange rate, only the figures on the others are corrected, and the correction handwriting is worse. But since the source is already in electronic form, the work is much less, and agreed for half the price. I start typing the text, and after a few pages I understand that the numbers do not beat. When I first printed, I got a little into the essence, I don't remember the essence of the work, but it makes sense that some calculation is made from the source data. I call this guy:

- Listen, such a problem, from about 6 pages, the numbers that are corrected with the pen are not beat, there are errors going on. I do, of course, I re-print, but if the teacher understands the essence, it will clearly be seen that the calculations are wrong. Who wrote those numbers?

Fucking shit, fucking shit. Everything will come to light, dumb. These numbers were calculated by Krendel, first by Vital (this is the first customer) and then by me. And you won’t ask him, he went to another city.

This is short, think what to do.

Well, once you realized that the numbers are wrong, do you understand the essence of the calculation?

- Well, not to understand directly, but I can figure out where it comes from, there are the main starting figures, and then the pure arithmetic is going. The graphics should be painted differently.

- And so, I will pay you the full price for the sheet, as for a new set, and you will do everything as you should.

Well, just need a few more days.

No question, I agreed.

I did this course for him, he calculated. And the next day again from him on the pager message. They called.

- Listen, this is the case, the course passed, do it all. Here we still have people suffering, they have purely preliminary data, and no calculations. You’ve gotten married, maybe you’ll get married? I gave them 10 rubles. for a list, if any.

Fuck, it is interesting. Well, let me try it.

In total, he did another 5 courses with the same machinery. It was true in a couple of places to figure out where the values went down, but it came out. The man then served this beer for mediation.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna