— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This happened when I was young. It happened shortly. We walked once with a girl and had to go through a fairly large area of private construction. Let’s go and talk. The sun shines and the birds sing. The beauty! And here we have to cross a parallel street through a narrow street. I approach him, I hear some knocks and loud cries, but I can't understand the words. Well, little, private houses, someone is building or farming what does. We turn around and see the oil painting. At our back is a man with a healthy thigh in his hands. In the palm range and meter two length. And here he makes a battle cry and scatters this dough from all over the fence. The debris of the fence board flies out in all directions. There was something uncomfortable with me. Clear pen forward unnoticed not to go back, back back back reasonably, but in front of the girl is embarrassing (the fool is young). And she grabbed me and whispered something like running away from here. And then this man turned... a distorted wild, evil face and a huge bowl in his hands... I expected everything, but not what happened. His face clarified, broke out in a wide smile and he said:

Nothing, nothing please go through. Sorry for the concern, we have neighboring affairs.

My wife and I are a machine chorus (!) said thank you. I even shrugged my head a little, like a gift. They quickly passed by, curled behind the corner and again heard the battle cry and the whistle of oak strikes on the fence.

Nevertheless, how nice when you are surrounded by polite people who do not interfere with strangers in their discussions!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna