— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am 42 years old, my friend Ruslan 50. 20 years old, post about him.

The case was 7 years ago. Ruslan was lonely and independent, no one needed a man. And all friends, including the author of the post, considered it their duty to arrange his private life) They invited guests, where, by chance, there was a girl who, by coincidence... was also free).

Actually the story itself.

Ruslan came to visit to his partner, it was Christmas. He was called for the first time and got a new job. There was a lady in the company, to whom Ruslan was invited. I also visited my wife, so I speak as an eyewitness.

The owner of the house declared confidently: "Rusia, go, be at home, today is a fateful evening for you."

In the guests was the sister of the owner of the house, Margaret. Lady 35 years old, two marriages and son of parents)

All night Ruslan tried to get close acquaintance with Margo) Toasts with a hint, every slow dance was white, guess who Margo invited)))

Ruslan was tired of this obsessive conspiracy, he became psychotic and left. The daughter of the owner of the house, nineteen-year-old Christina ran out of the trail, the shell forgot our failed bridegroom.

Escaped... and did not return home again. Back to Ruslan’s wife.

What was there. Scandals, curse and threats to kill the “young” husband.

Woman 19 and husband 43.

Everything was. And I write all this, I saw Ruslan today at 5 a.m. near the school. Standing in a row, I enrolled my daughter in the 1st class, he was a son. I ask how is it?

- Great, in 7 years we meet here, we are waiting for a daughter, Christina for 8 months!

and glowing of happiness)

I greeted him from the heart, and I think Christina’s father was right, saying seven years ago on Christmas to his guest that it would be a fateful evening.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna