— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A colleague said:

In the distant 80s, a citizen decided to "break" a rural store, he did this carefully prepared, went to work sober and without a partner, cut off the alarm ring (naturally, there were no extra-departmental guards at the time, especially not in the village), the guard peacefully "waited" at home, as he lived in the neighborhood.In general, he went to the room, first picked up clothes for his wife and children (which were seven on the shelves), then the products of various canned foods, cakes, candy, etc., and also about himself without forgetting-throwing a couple of boxes of alcohol.

In the morning the village woke up from the heart-breaking scream of the grandmother-guard, came the opera group with the district, questioned everyone who could, scratched all along and across, but no witnesses, not traces.It would seem like an ideal crime, burned it ridiculously a week later on the fact that the boys dragged on the street condensed and chocolate candy (although previously sometimes and sugar for weeks did not see), why could they just not not interest the local district and on the question "Where?“Friendly answered, ‘Yes, we have such good things in the couch at home!’

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna