— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have a companion. of Leha. In Lehe slightly more than two meters of growth. The athlete. The Fighter. He served far from in the army. In the 90s he managed to banditize - but survived, was not shot, not jailed. Tattoos like a Yakuza. Generally speaking, a frozen personality.

Leah met a woman. Relationships developed rapidly. Love and all things. When it came to the plans for the ZAGS, she admitted that she was married, and her husband was a sailor, now on the flight, but as soon as the divorce will return. Just a month to wait.

Plans remained plans - the husband made a surprise and returned the same evening.

About the return of the husband of his beloved Leha told with a broken eye and a broken lip. My imagination painted a lump of a monster, the marine man was imagined as a former pirate who sold his soul to Kthulhu... Well, what else to break? Leah told me:

A man two heads below me. and empty. The Lyse. You know, I was very ashamed. Imagine yourself in his place, smelled the mechanic in the oil for six months, you rush home with the guests, and you in the middle of the night the door is opened by some wretch dressed in a towel and in your shoes. In short, I put him in the mouth until he was tired.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna