— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A new tenant arrived at the venue, a guy named Misha.

Previous apartment guests were accompanied - almost drunk in joy. With one hand followed, the other tears of happiness wiped. Thank God, we are gone, the catchers.

I started communicating with Misha:

“Misha, we don’t smoke in the entrance. All three do not smoke. And one too. Only cigarettes do not smoke either. Smoking in the loggia, please.

Mickey, reduce the noise. In the name of three nights. How quiet is it? So that the bed does not throw decibels.

What is this installation at the door? It was rubbish, I forgot to take it. You don’t want to smell at home, let it flow in the entrance. We understand. Please hasten to bring the bag to the bag.

I come down the stairs and listen to Misha speaking on the phone:

The house is fine, repair standards. With the neighbors, you are not lucky.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna