— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In Soviet times, as a student, he worked as an electrician in JEK. Here is another story - from a public utility apartment from a house near the TV center received a request from a grandmother that her neighbor is burning her with a laser beam! The grandmother explained that as she just went to bed, the neighbor touched her with a laser beam and her head broke. And she constantly has to move her bed to a new place, after which, for a while, she sleeps quietly until the neighbor touches her again with a laser beam. That all of her statements to the militia do not give results. I said that I am studying at the electronic university that it is not laser rays, but electromagnetic torsified fields. My grandmother immediately realized that she was a specialist in the field. After that, I cleaned the steam heating battery with a stitch, pulled the bed to the battery and wrapped the bed with a bare wire to the battery. Grandma explained that as soon as the torsion fields touch the bed, the wires will go into the battery, and then into the ground. That the grandmother herself will soon make sure that her head will no longer hurt, and the neighbor will walk evil. The most interesting thing is that the grandmother after repeatedly called the controller and asked to pass the electrician that her head no longer hurts, and the neighbor is walking evil! What helped my grandmother? Landing the bed or conviction? But my grandmother’s head really stopped getting sick.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna