— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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So, I decided to collect puzzles under the tea with fleas tonight. Ordinary banal puzzle, puzzle, piece by piece.
Okay, it did well 😉

I have these puzzles tightly linked to two people. The first person is my daughter. I used to be a DJ on "Master Radio" once in the broadcast that my child loves puzzles.
The DJs were very loved and danced. My daughter gave me two puzzles. Being a smart kidner, she quickly studied them and in a couple of days already folded as a Korean soldier the Kalashnikov machine. It always took me, I could watch her collecting puzzles as they look at the fire, the river and what else.

And the second person is one of my former bosses, Pasha. A man he was, though young, but very focused, purposeful and demanding. He worked as a pharmacist and I worked as a translator. The discipline in the office was iron. The working day began at 8:00 p.m., who did not reach - for every minute minus a dollar from the salary.
Pasha treated me respectfully, but once because of the strong ice I was not just late - I was late for an hour and a half. Just the transport all stopped, because the ice road from the sky still rained. Pasha thought, but still everyone who was late then fined according to the scheme.
I lost almost half of my salary.

Evil I have hidden. And on her birthday she gave her favorite boss a gift individually from herself - a huge puzzle the size of a carpet on a wall, a landscape with a castle.

The next day at eight in the morning, Pasha was not there. Everyone was surprised because he wasn’t drinking at all. In other words, the boy was right.
He was not there at nine. There was no ten either. He appeared only without a quarter of twelve. With terribly red eyes and although restrained but blurred sight. Without removing the calculator, he told the accountant to deduct $225 from his salary, after which he removed a paper with his own order on fines from the wall.

And passing by me, stealing showed me the fact and quietly said:
And yet I collected it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna