— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XXX: I have a story.

I noticed that the wife of my comrade began to build my eyes and then to open the pencil, to shake the 5th, then accidentally hit the width. I enjoy this, the more the girl is prominent and all good, but this is the wife of a comrade and therefore - a taboo! He was constantly rejected by invitations to a cup of tea to a comrade, in exchange for calling to himself or to the cocktail, where we drank with him). Learned that they are divorced and that he does not understand what this fool needs, and the money in the family is and his health is excellent, and she is angry and scandalizes constantly.

They divorced and a couple of days later he left with things and their common square on a long journey. We celebrated with him his freedom and his departure as in the army, fun, loud and long. The next day I spent the whole day at the water.

More like in the movie!

In the evening the door bell - a white-haired beauty in a coat stands on the threshold and asks for guests. If Budan has not yet let go, if painted it was too bright and unusual, but I honestly did not even immediately recognize the former wife of the comrade whose yesterday accompanied.

Of course let in. She does not remove her long heels, from which her back is so slightly washed back, and then shaking them from side to side with her graceful walk passes into the room where the TV flashes, I quietly raise my jaw and melt the track. At the center of the room, it unfolds, and with the words - I am to you, I'm all yours strips off the coat and under it only a naked body. I confess admired her for a while, her gorgeous figure, breasts, long hair that so beautifully lay on her buttocks, and then asked - I want tea?

She shrugged her coat, but agreed.

We sat in the kitchen, I tried to make her understand that it was not right, the wife though the former but my friend and that I will not change our friendship for a hole and so on, she made a few more attempts but in vain, in the end I called her a taxi and sent home.

Some month later, I meet a comrade on the street, he cried out to me from a distance, all the lights in the guest cries, says that his wife has calmed down, she called him and offered to come together, he on the joys of a business trip arrived much earlier due to this. I found a lot of reasons not to come. At the next meeting told me that the child is already planning, and then I decided to invite him to me.

He came from a darker cloud, argued with his wife, said that to me and she broke out of the chain and again scandals about nothing, he shrugged his hand and left. Put on the table a liter, at the end of the bubble I still told him what I had at home after his departure and that he does not need to have children with it. Comrade psychoanul and with the words of killing flew home.

A week later, he calls me and, like nothing else, offers me to sit down, he says mentally the last time it was, a good friend added. I was surprised but agreed, I did not recognize him when I met him, he shines even brighter, holds his hand tightly, hugs, knocks on his shoulder, and repeats constantly that I am his true Friend. I am completely surprised what is happening, well, after another Saturday drink he told me - that his wife formerly formed, her life took her, took herself into her hands, the child again wanted, and all that was with me, it was she decided to check his surroundings how much I am a good friend to him, and I asked for this check!! to

Yyy: Yes, it’s just a socially acceptable explanation. Most likely, a friend clarified the relationship, then calmed down, flattered and decided to stay with his wife. But there is a problem - he has a friend to whom his wife offered herself all that, and who directly advised to send her away. It turns out, you need to either stop communicating with a friend, or put yourself in front of him full of deer and cloth. And he (she? are they?) This is a convenient version for everyone.

You may have pretended to believe. You did right – otherwise a friend would have to choose between your wife and you, and he didn’t want it. In politics, this is called “allowing to preserve the face.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna