— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Oh, I remember 15 years ago I came somehow to the glorious city of Kharkiv from afar, for the Olympiad. Winter, no acquaintances, the phone is sitting, the button, the batteries then still easily offset. I need to charge my phone, how? Ask for a rooster? Shameful, long and dangerous. Therefore, I decide to buy finger batteries, an isolant, a piece of wire, you can all up to a voltage of 4.5v and attach it directly to the phone’s battery. And since in the courtyard is winter, cold, where is it best to do it? is right! In the metro! It is not cold there! And since there is no subway in my hometown, this idea doesn’t seem stupid to me. The HD. So imagine a teenager sitting on a subway station in a mobile phone, wire, wrapping all this with an isolant (blue, of course). Oh Oh! Generally speaking, it’s almost over, as comrades in the pursuit approach and ask, what are you doing here? I answered honestly. They say, go with us. And so quietly...I imagine what would be now... As a result, they looked over, hinted that from the side it looks mildly strange, punished so not to do it anymore and released, even without hand.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna