— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was in 2000.

I got divorced in a taxi, but the situation was even more fun. The car is Niva, three-door which. At first, the acquaintance sat forward, then suddenly appeared a "conductor", to whom it was earlier to go out and the acquaintance was moved back. There is no door, there is no door.

They went. In front of the driver and the "conductor" - two healthy foreheads, and a familiar behind. The night. The city is dark, the lights do not burn. They turned into some courtyard, then on the other side. The acquaintance begins to wonder, telling them where they are? On which he is absolutely calm (from which the frost on the skin) they say that now will take him away in the garage, remove everything valuable, disguise and probably cut. Not to leave a witness. And they go on, discussing with each other where it is better to lead him - in that race or further.

A familiar in shock, where to run, there is no door on the side, he himself is far from a superman. Here they go out on the road, drive, "passenger" says to the driver - "Oh, let's turn, here is better." Nivea at speed begins to turn sharply and the acquaintance visits a successful idea - he pulls the towel from all the way (nearby). He carries, becomes on two wheels, then twists a couple of times, then into a cuvet, there in a pillar, a forehead, two foreheads in a knock-out. The acquaintance managed to break up and remained conscious. He went out through the broken front glass and ran away quickly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna