— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At the beginning there was zero. I went with a friend to a night club on Friday after work. We drink and we relieve stress. Mood is great. People are not much. We drink and talk. And here we meet a guy and a girl from the neighboring table. The cute guys. Ask permission to move with us. We communicate very well for the next couple of hours. Here, the guards polently begin to hint that it is time to go out. And the girl says, "and we live in the neighboring house, go to us, let's go on!"

Because in all of us we are already more than 0.5. And indeed, across the road from the club their house, we get up (about 4 am), we enter. And here, they say, “Go into the kitchen, but please be quiet, we are out in that room, the child is sleeping!” We are like that, yeah okay, once we come, we go. We sit and communicate, and the girl runs all the time and when she returns, she says - it's okay - she sleeps.

I ask where can I smoke? Go to the balcony. And the balconies in that house, you know, go along the whole apartment.

I stand on the balcony, enjoy the summer Saturday morning and suddenly realize that the neighboring windows are the same room where the "child" sleeps. At dawn, I look out the window.

And there is a completely empty room, in the middle is an empty bed, on which lies an empty mattress!

Tumblr is switching to danger mode. I am sober, I go to the kitchen, take Bora under my hands and quickly leave the room with a preliminary inspection of the stairs.

It seemed, but what was it?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna