— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Well, in general, such a piss in life always happens unexpectedly. I have been working as a coach for about 7 years and I have one regular client. Which I’ve been doing for 5 years, probably. A beautiful social girl, in the presence has a son and a wonderful husband. But from the beginning she was somewhat hyperactive in communicating with me. What’s on training, what’s outside. When I flew anywhere to study or on vacation, I always wrote how I was doing, how I flew and if I ate. That kind of hype always seemed strange to me. But I tried not to give up this importance and worked with her further.)

Then one beautiful summer day, a year ago. I come home and I get a photo of her in the chat. It depicts a little girl, a woman and my young father. The VTF. I ask her in the most incomprehensible words “who is this and why is my father in the photo” and she writes to me that a little girl is her, a woman is her Mom, and my dad is her Dad. And here I just walked. In a complete misunderstanding of the situation, I call my father and ask what the universe is, and he answers, “Yes, it’s your sister, but it’s not your business. for the time being.”

Cool is simple. Everyone knew about my sister’s existence except me and my mother. Well, and she decided to tell it five years later. Malakhov is resting.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna