— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remembered another case, I was about 22 years old at the time.  In the evening I just went out to change, filled up the car, took my coffee and the money ended (i.e., I gave nothing to give.) I take my first order. In the car sits a woman about 40 years of travel near the city, further by the text of the client I will call a girl (roughly it is a woman.) It was immediately apparent to the girl that she was not in the mood. I begin to go from a distance, so the amount for the trip will be approximately the same and you can pay me for the trip without a deposit. She begins to report to me that I have to carry the deposit from any note and she has no extra money to pay without the deposit. He gives me a thousand rubles at the sum of the trip 100 rubles.  and says go look for an exchange I wait, and I ran. I think many have tried to exchange money in a kiosk without buying anything, it’s not real.

I tried again but I failed. I went to the side of the car to give money and say that for you the trip is free. (According to the company's instructions, if the driver has a problem with the change, then the ride is at the driver's expense.)

I did not earn anything from this order but I did not want to leave her in plus I went to spend her money. There were two kiosks of cigarettes and flowers, I don’t smoke and I don’t need flowers. And suddenly I decided to buy one rose exactly for the amount of the trip and give it to a client (I didn't want to give the whole amount) I give her money and a rose with the words you are so evil and sad may so you will be more fun and kind it is a gift to you. She hanged for ten seconds and then returns me the money and says that it's your tea for the trip, begins to tell how she's upset and that the flowers she got fifteen years ago, but her husband can't take them home. The girl laid a flower on the seat, gently closed the door of the car and slowly went towards the house. I think I even saw tears in her eyes. 

If you are the girl and are reading this post, I would be happy to greet you.

The shift I worked less well, the rose lay all night on the shelf behind the back seat and in the morning I drowned it out.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna