— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remembered a funny incident that happened in the early morning of my youth. There was a sweet couple in our group: we met at the preparatory classes, took out the apartment and started living in it.

By the end of the school year, I decided to leave. Who has changed, I don’t know. But the veneration of the guy I still remember: "I was on the pair, she took it all out. Even the plates! I left only the old furniture. All the boys sympathized with him and shook.

In fact, it turned out to be this: Mishana was from a neighboring region. He came with his jackets. And when they started to rent the apartment for two, Lenka stopped everything from her house: plates, pots, even bedding. Fortunately, her parents lived nearby – in a village that is 15 kilometers away from the city. In short, the business girl, in the "divorce" took all her back.

But how theatrically, dramatically and even tragically it was presented... “Even the spoonful... the fox, the spoonful took!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna