— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was small then. I went into the forest for mushrooms. We sail, we look for. My brother and I went out to the hill somehow, looked down, and there, in the pit (from which it was easy to get out, so they did not fall there) - the puppies. Three things. They were delighted and used to smooth them. Pappa calls us, we call back, he comes, too, from the hole of this he looked at us, on the puppies and... He throws a cage with mushrooms, we under the mouse and run away from there. We were angry at him greatly – such puppies are callous, and he took us away.

The man runs past the mommy and says, “Let’s run! “Mama is in confusion with him.

In front of the car came a long-running wolf from the woods. It was here that my brother and I arrived.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna