— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I went into the fifth room today, on the way from the landscape, for some products. I bought a dozen eggs, chocolate, a baton and a couple of packs of ice cream. I approach the box office, everything is done as it is in a medical mask, I look at the box office without masks three teenagers. And I hear that the boys incite each other, say ask to buy, not you ask. I think they don’t sell cigarettes because of their age, but when I’m asked, I never buy them.

I met one of them with a small look, and he had already begun to ask to buy, and I was already preparing to refuse him in the request, but he asked to buy them a pack of condoms... because in the box office because of the lack of a mask, they were not served. Well, in this request, I did not refuse them, I think young and green, I broke everything, gave the boys their promised packaging, and put the check in a package with products.

The experienced reader probably has already begun to guess that when I came home I laid out the products in the kitchen, laid out the check without a back-thinking, and at home the wife, and condoms we have not bought for several years...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna