— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was 11-12 years old and my family had difficult financial difficulties for a year. No, we were not hungry, but there was hardly enough money for the most necessary things. It was summer, the height of the holidays, friends in the courtyard delighted with ice cream, soda and so on. I did not have the thought of asking for money from my mom, because I knew perfectly that there was no excess and she kept us on the float with her last strength.

When I was a kid, I had more boys than girls. My friend and I decided to make money on sweets. By the way, the Wolf family was very well-off, but the parents were absolutely not against and supported him in the desire to earn on their own.

Every morning we woke up very early, picked up a bag and walked around the area to collect bottles. They stored it all at the Wolf in the basement, as there was plenty of space there, and went to rent them a couple of times a week. Mother categorically refused to take what I earned and allowed to spend at her discretion. I decided to buy bread at home.

It was a wonderful time. Strong friendship and joint earnings for the first time in life.

Then the wolf went to the camp for three weeks. I continued our joint business and decided to collect most of the bottles collected and not give it up until his arrival. I think he will be happy when he comes.

Three weeks later, I came to call a friend out. He opened the door to me and told me that he had handed over my bottles, but none of them were received and he threw them out. Then I asked my mother to confirm her words.

It was one of life’s first disappointments not only in a friend, but also in an adult who lied, covering his son.

Wolf, if you read this, I hope you grew up as a man, not a nest.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna