— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Already expressed on these pages the comparison of the behavior of the inhabitants of our town with the curse of King Midas. The same, the legendary king, who, "by the command of a man" found the ability to turn into gold everything he touched. Only unlike a fairy tale hero, my countrymen have a magical gift to turn everything around them into shit.
Yesterday opened the first store in the city of the network "Domostrud". At the entrance, every visitor was given a medical mask for free. The one that saves from the terrible coronavirus.
I don’t know what kind of organizers have done this, but they’re good. And we are not.
By the end of the day, the whole district was filled with abandoned masks. The inhabitants of the fairy town once again, in all its beauty, showed their magical gift.
Without realizing themselves as the culprits of this shit, those who grew up in shit, who see nothing in life except shit, shit and will remain and will live, angry that they see nothing good in life, one shit around.
Unless they want to change themselves.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna