— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Think about how little a person needs for moral satisfaction, for recognition, for a good mood. In my case, I missed my partner. I was happy to communicate with her, a spectacular girl, smart, fun, ideal would say many. We talked to her for a long time, more than a year, work, all business before she began to show interest in me. But work is work, we communicated more with it than I did with my regular girlfriend, with whom I lived for almost five years.

Five years was a long time, and I felt like I started to get tired and tired for a long time, everyday life was like that. There I did not wash the dishes, there I did not clean my socks, the fifth tenth negative accumulated, from her side, from mine and sometimes gave way to scandals, mostly from my side. I felt that I was tired and tired very much, the schedule work, the house oppressed. By the way, my girlfriend was working at home and it was even harder for her than it was for me to go to work every day. Well, she could not just sit down and work, she will see my socks on the floor, immediately went to remove it, the plate was not washed, go here, the feather and the sponge is waiting for you. There is something to go crazy about.

And I have a nymph here at work, who laughs at my jokes, discusses any issues with me, is not angry at nothing, and is also free, well, I and the stream.

Why did I call the post “One Kiss,” you ask? Yes, because, in essence, it is one movement, a manifestation of emotions, a kiss it is friendly, romantic, loving, but it can ruin the relationships that we have built for years. In my case, he was outspoken.

One day, we gathered for a corporate, most likely my girlfriend had already guessed that I already had someone else or clinging, but she could not prove it. I’ve never passworded the phone or VC and I’m not a big fan of messaging to find out the relationship.

And here at the corporation, this girl and I got drunk and she made it clear to me that everything is going to happen now, let’s go and I’ll be yours, kiss me and let’s go. Somewhere in the middle of the kiss, I remembered my girlfriend’s eyes and realized that I couldn’t just take five years of my life. As if it didn’t sound pathetic, I stopped kissing, apologized and left. I couldn’t destroy everything that we just built together for years. I apologized and left.

After, I sat down on the bench for a long time drinking beer, with my friend’s favorite flowers. I was ashamed, I realized everything, I remembered that I banally didn't even embrace her when I came from work, that I was angry at the stuff because of the same socks, well what it is worth removing them, if you think so, that I went with friends to squeeze, and she was waiting for me always, in any condition, in general, I remembered everything and realized that I wasn't such a gold.

Now my girlfriend, I have a wife and I tell her every day that I love her.

And I remember that kiss, as he scratched me and almost ruined everything.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna